Happy Father’s Day 2013

Join us for a special Father’s Day Workout this morning at 9:15am! 

Everyone welcome – beginners, first timers, friends, and kids!

WOD for Sunday 061613 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of CF Warmup – 10 pass throughs, 10 OHS, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 pullups

Make up any missed strength segment from the past week

For Time:
Run 800m
50 American KB Swings (52/35)
Run 800m
30 KB Swings
Run 800m
Pace so the 3rd 800 is just as fast as the first.

Time Cap: 20 minutes

Post Strength Work and Workout Time Comments
For the strength segment, you have 25 minutes to make up a strength segment that you missed from this previous week

For the conditioning workout, try to pace your runs so that the 3rd 800m interval is as fast as the first.

OPEN GYM today from 10am-12pm!  WODs have priority on space and equipment.

GREAT JOB to everyone who lifted in our first in house Weightlifting Meet yesterday!  Thanks to all of the coaches, volunteers, and athletes who came out and cheered!

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