Hustle Workout for 1/14/20

Workout 1
Against 4 Min
* Buy In – 25 Am KB Swing
15 1/2 Burpees (from prone to crouching back to prone =1 rep
Time remaining: Max rep 1 arm KB Snatch from the hang. Switch arms any time
Rest 2 Min
Against 4 Min
*Buy In – 25 Am KB Swing
15 1/2 Burpees
Time Remaining Max Rep KB Clean and Jerk
*from the Hang, switch Arms any time
Rest 2 Min
Against 4 Min
* Buy In – 25 Am KB Swing
15 1/2 Burpees
Time Remaining: Max Rep Goblet Squat
Workout 2
3 Sets Not for Time
7 ea arm Seated S.A. DB Arnold Press
:30 Plank Hold
14 weighted Russian Twist