Jackie, Oh!

New Bootcamps Start on TOMORROW! 

Tell your friends and get 50% of your next month’s payment for anyone who registers!

WOD for Sunday 010613Click Here For Today’s Schedule
For Time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pullups

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Today’s workout is a Strength & Conditioning Benchmark.  Take the Thruster bars from the floor.  Please don’t drop any empty barbells!  If you’ve done this Benchmark workout before and would like to try it with a little twist, consider completing it with two Kettlebells instead of a bar.  Guys, use two 25lbers.  Ladies, two 18s.

Jeff Martone demonstrates the KB Thruster

We’re hosting the 4th Annual Carolina Fitness Challenge next Saturday!

We need volunteers!  If you’re able to help, please sign up for a time slot on the WOD Board at the gym. 

Volunteers get free admission and free lunch!

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