Just Jerking

Strength & Conditioning Total is coming on August 17th!  Have you signed up yet?

Competitive in style, but just for fun.  Seriously, what is there to lose?

WOD for Wednesday 080713 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
4 Rounds of Jerk Skill Transfer Exercises
1 Round is:
3 reps of each from the back (Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk)
3 reps of each from the front (Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk)

3 sets of 8 reps

Push/Split Jerk
4 singles @60% 
4 singles @70% 
4 singles @80% 1RM

AMRAP in 14 minutes:
8 Barbell Rows (95/65)
10 Thrusters
12 Windshield Wipers
14 Over Barbell Jumps

Post Jerk Loads and Workout Rounds Completed to Comments
Prior to class, perform 4 rounds of the Jerk Skill Transfer Exercises as listed.  1 round is 3 reps of each movement from the back and front.  As in the Burgener Warmup, perform 1st round with PVC, 2nd with 15lb bar, 3rd with 33lb bar, and 4th with 45lb bar (guys) or another at 33lb (girls). During the skill segment, perform 3 sets of  8 Ring Dips. Add additional weight as needed to make these sets difficult. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.  If you don’t have ring dips, use the following scaling sequence and determine the same:  pushups – ring pushups – bar dips – ring dips.

For the strength segment, follow the reps and % progression up to 4 singles at 80% 1RM for your Push/Split Jerk. You can work quickly through the warmups, but rest roughly 2-3 minutes between the final 4 reps.  These are going to be relatively heavy.  You can choose which Jerk variation to use.  Pay extra attention to a solid landing position.  Fix your footwork each rep.

For the conditioning workout, use one barbell for the whole workout.  You can scale this workout up by completing it at 115/85.

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