Man vs. Wild

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WOD for Tuesday 082812Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Overhead Squat
Establish 1RM
5 Rounds For Time:
20m Bear Crawl – Crawl 10m turn and crawl back 10m
3 Deadlifts – (315/225)
10 Lateral Burpees over the bar

DB Situps
3 sets of 8 reps

Post Overhead Squat Loads and Workout Reps to Comments
For the Overhead Squat, take 20-25 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day.  You should work up to the heaviest weight that you know you can get, which is probably more like 98% of your true 1RM.  It’s ok to leave something in the tank for next time.  Grip the bar with your index finger on the inner line of knurling!  Don’t forget to put your PRs up on the PR BOARD!

For the conditioning workout, set a HEAVY load for Deadlifts (85%+ 1RM).  Bear crawls are 30 feet long…the equivalent of 5 gym mats laid out lengthwise (video).  Jump over your deadlift bar for each Lateral Burpee.  Once over the bar is one rep.

For the finisher, grab a heavy set of dumbbells or kettlebells, and perform sets of 8 situps with them held with outstretched arms over your head.  See video below…but do them with two hands today.

DB/KB Situps

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