Maxed Row and Run

Welcome Living Social Voucher Holders!
We can’t wait to meet you!
Please remember that all 4 classes are by appointment only!
Email [email protected] or call (571) 224-3706 to schedule your workouts.

WOD for Friday 040811Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Work up to a heavy set of 2 reps
Deadlift (Week 2)
Warmup:  Perform 5 reps @40% and 50%, 3 reps @60% “working 1RM”
Work Sets:  Perform 3 reps @70%, 80%, max reps @90%


For Time:
Row 500m
Rest 5 minutes
Run 400m

Post Snatch and Deadlift Loads and Row and Run Times to Comments
For the strength segment,  we are beginning a Wendler 5-3-1 Program (more details below).  “Working 1RM” is defined as 90% of your current 1RM.  If you are not sure of your current 1RM talk to your Coaches and they’ll help you determine it.  Start your session by determining the heaviest set of 2 Snatches.  You should be pretty warmed up at that point for Deadlifts, so it IS NOT necessary to complete all three of the posted Deadlift warmup sets.  You can just jump in to your first work set of 5 reps at 75%.  By all means if you feel you need a warmup set or two first then do them.

For the Metcon, go all out for a 500m Row, rest 5 minutes, them go all out for a 400m Sprint..

OPEN GYM tonight from 7-8pm!  Make up a missed WOD or work on your lifts.

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting April 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting May 31st – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Upcoming Bootcamps Beginning May 2nd!  SAVE 10% before 4/22!
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @6:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @7:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp– (M/W/F @6:00pm)
Weight Loss Bootcamp– (M/W/F @7:00pm)

Upcoming Events
Durham Bulls Baseball Game — Sat, May 7th
Fifth Ape Natural Movement and Parkour Seminar — Saturday, May 14th
Bull City Barbell Open — Sat, May 21st

We’re going to see the Durham Bulls on Saturday, May 7th!  Hope you will come out with us!

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