CFD will host an in house Olympic Weightlifting Meet
for our athletes on Saturday, June 15th!
Details here
WOD for Friday 050313 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
3 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – (see video)
1 minute Single Unders
30 seconds Right Leg Singles
30 seconds Left Leg Singles
4 minutes Tabata Double Unders (20 seconds on/10 seconds off)
3 singles @75%
3 singles @85%
2 singles @90% 1RM
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
4 Handstand Pushups
8 Pistols (alternating legs)
12 Hollow Rocks
Post Snatch Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 3 rounds BEFORE class begins. During the skill segment, perform 1 minute of single unders, then 30 seconds on each leg, followed by a 4 minute Tabata of Double Unders. This is practice time, so there is no sub for DUs.
For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression and then complete just 2 Snatch singles at 90% 1RM. Rest 3-4 minutes between attempts at 85 and 90%. You’re working towards the higher end of your capacity, but you are still working below 1RM capacity. Shouldn’t be many misses here.
For the conditioning workout, scale each movement as necessary. See video below for Hollow Rocks. Each rock (forward and back) counts as one rep. Alternate legs on the Pistols for a total of 8 reps (4 each leg) each round.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!
Hollow Rocks with Jeff Tucker