Open Aftermath

New Bootcamps Start TODAY!

WOD for Monday 050211Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squat
50-40-30-20-10 KB Swings (52/35)
25-20-15-10-5 Ring Dips

Post Front Squat Loads and Metcon Time to  Comments
For the strength segment, perform Front Squats increasing weight each set up to the heaviest single rep you can do.

For the Metcon, scale KB load and Ring Dips as necessary (off a box, negatives, etc).  Do not sacrifice ROM on your dips!

ENDURANCE WOD tonight at 6pm!  This will be a PARTNER WORKOUT!

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting May 31st – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Upcoming Bootcamps Beginning TODAY!
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @6:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @7:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @6:00pm)
Weight Loss Bootcamp – (M/W/F @7:00pm)

Upcoming Events
Fifth Ape Natural Movement and Parkour Seminar — Saturday, May 14th
Bull City Barbell Open — Sat, May 21st

Welcome Living Social Voucher Holders!
We can’t wait to meet you!

Please remember that all 4 classes are by appointment only!
Email [email protected] or call (571) 224-3706 to schedule your workouts.

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