“Plymouth Rock” – Thanksgiving 2015

In teams of 3, which will be picked out of a hat, you will have 45 minutes to accumulate as many points as possible by completing the following movements:
Gymnastics Movements
20 sit ups = 2pts
1 rope climb = 5pts
10 pull ups = 5pts
20 push ups= 5pts
20 kb swings (53/35) = 10pts
50 air squats = 10pts
5 muscle ups = 15pts
5 wall climbs = 15pts
800m run = 10pts
Barbell movement (96/65) = 1pt per rep
power clean, power snatch, deadlift, front squat, back squat, push press
Team member 1 will be completing an 800m run
Team member 2 will be completing an AMRAP of any of the barbell movements (must pick one each round)
Team member 3 will be completing any of the gymnastics movements (must pick one each round)
**Once team member 1 returns from the 800m run, the team will rotate stations**
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