Power Tabata

CFD is sponsoring the Running of the Bulls 8K on Saturday, June 1st! 

Volunteers needed to help with our water station from 6:45-7:45am at the corner of Geer and Washington St. 

Sign up on the whiteboard!

WOD for Friday 052413 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
4 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – (see video)

Kipping Pullups
5 Rounds:
5 sec on/5 sec off x 3 kipping swing (no pullup, just swing)
Rest 30 seconds after each round Then, 3 Rounds of 5 reps each:  On the ground, hip thrusts.

If you have 20 unbroken Kipping Pullups, work this Muscle Up drill:
5 Rounds
5 reps ofFalse grip ring row, false grip ring row, false grip ring row to transition

3 singles @75%
3 singles @85%
2 singles @90% 1RM

Double Tabata – 8 minutes of alternating rounds of:
Power Clean (50% of 1RM Snatch)
Power Snatch

Post Clean Loads to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 4 rounds BEFORE class begins – first round with PVC, 2nd with training bar, 3rd and 4th with women’s bar (guy’s should do a 4th with a 45lb bar). During the skill segment, you are working solely on the SWING of the kipping pullup.  For roughly 5 seconds, you will perform the kipping “swing” followed by a 5 second rest.  Three times through this will constitute 1 round.  At the end of each round rest 30 seconds.  Perform 5 total rounds.  Take care not to fall off the bar, and if you’re using a box set it slightly to the side so you wouldn’t fall on top of it should you let go of the bar.  Then perform 3 sets of 5 reps of the “on the floor” hip thrusts.  IF you have 20 unbroken Kipping Pullups, you can work the posted Muscle Up drill instead of the kipping drills today.

For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression and then complete just 2 Clean singles at 90% 1RM.  Rest 3-4 minutes between attempts at 85 and 90%.  You’re working towards the higher end of your capacity, but you are still working below 1RM capacity. Shouldn’t be many misses here. 

For the conditioning workout, alternate movements for each :20/:10 round, using the same bar loaded to 50% 1RM Snatch.  Although this is tabata-style, do not get sloppy.  As many reps as possible, but under control and will good technique and a full rack position for the power clean, and full lockout for the power snatch.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule
Saturday – Regular Schedule
Sunday – Regular Schedule
Monday – “Murph” at 9, 10, and 11 for all CF athletes and Bootcampers