Pressed Out

Coach Paul will be hosting a 3-hour Running Clinic on Saturday, March 16th! 

Less than 10 spots left!  More info here

WOD for Sunday 020313 Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press                        
3 Rounds:
Row 500m
15 Overhead Squat (115/75)

Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Post Push Press Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after a basic warmup and mobility, perform 5 sets of three rep Push Presses (not Jerks) at the following percentages – 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, and 80%. These should eventually feel fairly heavy, but you shouldn’t miss any attempts.  Rest 2-3 minutes, at least, between sets. 

For the conditioning workout, take your OHS bar from the floor.  Rest two minutes between rounds and post your score without the rest intervals included. 

Overhead Squat Help with Kelly Starrett