Programming Update, September 2013

Level 1 and Level 2 Programming

We recently began programming TWO different metabolic conditioning workouts each day, Level 1 and Level 2.  Completed as posted, each Level is considered Rx.  We made this addition for several reasons, the most important being to continue to provide workouts that will challenge each and every athlete of every level every single day.

Leveled programming provides us an expanded opportunity to train a diverse group of athletes at once, with less regard to current capacity, training experience, or skill level.  Each athlete will continue to have the opportunity to progress and get better.

Choose your Level each day, with the help of your Coach, based on your current skill and capacity for that particular day’s movements.  You should not assume that you belong at any one Level all the time.  Nor should an inability to complete either workout Rx’d be seen as a defeat. 

As always, Level 1 workouts can, and should, be scaled as needed to match your current capacity.  We will continue to emphasize good movement and good technique before taking on more complex skills or larger loads.   

The Level 2 workouts are designed primarily for those athletes who are aspiring to compete in local Strength & Conditioning competitions. They are by no means intended to be an opportunity for an athlete to demonstrate how tough they are.  They will be completed in the same time domain as Level 1, but will generally have more complex movements, heavier loads, and higher skill capacity.

If you have any questions day to day about which conditioning workout to choose, check with your Coach or post your questions under comments. 

WOD Tracking App

We’ve begun using new WOD Tracking software called WODTogether!  With electronic tracking, it’ll be easier to keep track of your PRs, and it’ll be easier to keep track of the entire group’s progress as a whole.  After much research, we’ve found that WODTogether is the best option for CFD at this moment in time. 

By September 15th, we will no longer log any results on the whiteboard at the gym and eventually we will phase out giving the manual composition book workout logs to our new athletes.  We will have an electronic whiteboard and laptop over by the cowbell where everyone can log their results before leaving each day.

What You Need To Do:

  • Visit, create a FREE account, and select Courage Fitness Durham as your gym
  • Go to ‘Edit Account’, “Notifications”, and make sure either email or SMS is checked under Coach’s Message
  • Download the WODTogether Athletes App for either your Iphone or Android
  • Log your results each WOD (keep reading to learn how)

How To Log Your Results

  • At the top of each day’s WOD posting on the CFD website, you’ll see a small “whiteboard” icon.  Click there, you will be taken to our new online whiteboard to enter your WOD results. 
  • Use the laptop at the gym
  • Use the WODTogether Athletes App on your phone
  • Login directly to at home on your computer
  • Visit the CFD Facebook page and log your results there ( & ConditioningDurham/app_160992527297120). 

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