Pushup, Higher

This is the rough design for our new hoodies!  You can reserve yours before FRIDAY on the sign up sheet at the gym.  There are four different styles and many different colors available.

WOD for Tuesday 100912Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Back Squat
10 sets of 2 reps at 75% 1RM
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Overhead Squat (95/65)
Ring Pushups

Post Back Squat Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the Back Squats, the goal is to move the weight as quickly as possible for each attempt.  There should be no “grinding” of any reps.  Set your bar load to 75% 1RM.  If you cannot perform all of your reps at fast speed then you need to use a lighter load.

For the conditioning workout, take the OHS from the floor.  Use as little assistance for pullups as possible.  If you can’t do your pushups on the rings, try them on parallettes.  

Again Faster on Overhead Squats (worth the 8 minutes to watch!)

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