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WOD for Tuesday 061510 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press
Warmup: Perform 5 reps @ 40%, 50%, 60% 1RM
Work Sets: 4 sets of 2 Reps @ 85% and then 1 set of max reps @ 85%
For Time:
Row 500m
30 Push/Split Jerks (65% 1RM)
Row 500m
The bar starts on the ground. Anytime it touches the ground you must do 5 Burpees before picking it back up. You can rest in the rack position or on the back of the neck.
Post Push Press Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, you will do four warmup sets for the Push Press followed by 5 work sets at 85% 1RM. Note that the fifth set is for max reps at 85% 1RM. Use common sense, good judgement, for all lifts. When in doubt, live to lift again another day. Movements must be performed with full ROM and should be Push Presses not Jerks.
Finish this sentence: “Scaling a WOD is _____________”. Post answer to comments.
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Starting June 22nd (Tues/Thurs @7pm) — Only 4 spots left!
Starting July 13th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Upcoming Events
Gymnastics Seminar — Saturday, June 19th
70’s Big Challenge — Saturday, June 26th
Do you confuse the Push Press and Push Jerk? Maybe this will help you see the difference!