*DUE TO ICY CONDITIONS ALL OUR 0615, 0715 AND 0830 CLASSES AND BOOTCAMPS ARE CANCELLED ON MONDAY MORNING* DURHAM INDOOR ROWING TRIALS Saturday, March 20th — Register here! *ATHLETE ANNOUNCEMENT* From now until the end of February, ALL athletes who refer a friend to our next Foundations Class or February Bootcamps will receive ONE MONTH FREE! Help...Read More
Olympic Weightlifting Seminar with Wilkes’ Weightlifting! Sunday, February 21st. More info here! SPOTS ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY….SIGN UP NOW! 2010 BOOTCAMPS – Not Too Late To Join! 6:15am Bootcamp (M, W, F) 7:15am Bootcamp (M, W, F) 7:00pm Weight Loss Bootcamp (M, W, F) January FOUNDATIONS Classes Starting January 26th (Tues/Thurs @7pm) WOD for Wednesday...Read More