Try It Yourself

GREAT WORK to everyone who competed in the Carolina Fitness Challenge this weekend! 


WOD for Monday 121310 — – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 
Overhead Squat

5 sets of 3 reps
For Time:
Row 1250m
Then, in 3 minutes, as many reps as possible:
Men:  Muscle Ups
Women:  Chest to bar pullups

Post Overhead Squat Loads, Row Time and Reps to Comments
For the strength segment, you will do 5 sets of 3 reps as heavy as possible.  Use good sense and judgement for all lifts.  When in doubt, live to lift again another day.  Be sure to squat below parallel….hip crease below top of patella.

For the Metcon, scale Muscle Ups to strict Muscle Up Transitions or Chest to Bar Pullups.

ENDURANCE WOD tonight at 6pm!
Run or Row
3 Rounds
3min all out effort
3min Rest

Upcoming Events
Strength & Conditioning Rowing Foundations Certification – Saturday, January 15
Intra-Gym Challenge – January 2011
Durham Indoor Rowing Trials — Sat, February 26th

Coach Andy Hendel — not just a Head Judge at the Carolina Fitness Challenge!

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