Turkish Delight

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!  

Hope you can join us. Click here for more info

WOD for Tuesday 041012Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Turkish Situps
3 Rounds For Time:
10 Snatch (135/95)
Run 400m

Post Turkish Situp Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, perform Turkish Situps (see video below) two at a time on each arm.  You do not have to use the same load for each arm if you are unable.

For the conditioning workout, these are FULL Snatches…not Power Snatches.  Bar should be received in a full overhead squat and stood to full knee and hip extension before starting the next rep.  If you are not comfortable starting on the floor, work from one of the hang positions, but all reps are full squats.

Turkish Situps with Jeff Martone