Viking Power

Nutrition Q&A next Saturday with Dr. Peters

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WOD for Monday 030512Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squat
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Ring Pushups
10 Toes To Bar

Post Front Squat Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment work up to the heaviest single rep Front Squat for the day.  Elbows up!

For the conditioning workout, sub 10 KB Goblet Squats for Toes to Bar if you did Sunday’s workout.  Scale box jumps as necessary.  For ring pushups, make sure your hands and feet are as close to parallel to each other as possible.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Viking Front Squat Power (the spotters really don’t look necessary)

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