Walk The Wall

The 2nd Annual Valentine’s Day Couples Throwdown returns on Saturday, February 11th!  Choose your partner and sign up!  More info

WOD for Thursday 012612Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Handstands and Handstand Wall Runs
Perform 50 strict wall walks
For Time:
100 Burpees
Jump to a height 6″ above your outstretched arm

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For the skill segment, practice Handstands against the wall or free standing.  If you can do the up against the wall with ease try to complete 50 strict wall runs (see video below).

For the conditioning workout, set up under the pullup rig or under a set of rings.  Your Burpee jump should be to a height 6″ above your outstretched arm when standing flat footed.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Wall Walks

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