WOD for 020618

Muscle Up Program
Advanced: 3×10 false grip ring row to sternum elbows in knuckles together with body parallel to floor
Intermediate: 3×10 false grip ring row to sternum elbows in knuckles together with body at 45 degrees to the floor.
Beginner: 3×10 false grip ring row to sternum elbows in knuckles together with body at greater than 45 degrees

Advanced: 3×8 Diamond push-up
Intermediate: 3×8 Diamond push-up from knees
Beginner: 3×5 Push-up w/ narrow hands on dumbbells from knee

3×8 ring shoulder height jumping transition

No strength, but warmup deads for the Metcon

(2) 7-min. AMRAPS with 1-min Rest b/w each

7-minutes AMRAP
7 Deadlifts
14 Wall Balls
200m Run
~(1-min REST)~
7-minutes AMRAP
14 Deadlifts
28 Wall Balls
200m Run

L1: 225/155, 185/135, 20/14
L2: 185/135, 135/95, 20/14
L3: 135/95, 105/75, 14/12
L4: Incr. KB DL ie. Red, Orange, Yellow (KB), 12/10

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