Teams of 3
Row 3,000/2500 Meters
*Must switch rowers every 500 meters, can switch sooner if desired
*1 Partner works
*1 Partner Rests
*1 Partner Holds 2 KB’s @ the top of a deadlift (52/35)
13 Minute Cap
-Rest 3:00-
“(Distribute reps as desired)
30-20-10-5 ”
Power Clean and Jerk (135/95)
Ring Pushups
*1 Partner Works
*1 Partner Rests
*1 Partner Holds Wall Sit
15 minute cap
L1: 155/105, Ring Pushups
L2: 135/95, Ring Pushups
L3: 95/65, Pushups
-Rest 3:00-
6 Minute AMRAP
Synchro Goblet Squats (52/35)
Synchro Toes to Bar
“Remaining Time= AMRAP Bar Muscle Ups
1 Athlete works at a time
L1: 52/35, Synched at Top and Bottom on squats, T2B, Bar Muscle ups
L2:52/35, Synched at the bottom on squats, T2B, BMU
L3: 40/25, Synched at the bottom, Kipping Leg Raise or K2E, Strict C2B
L4: 30/20, Sit Ups, Strict Pullups or Ring Rows w/ feet directly under rings