Power Clean
Power Cleans:
Take 15-mins to find heavy for Complex
1 Hang clean Pull
1 Hang Clean
*Rest between sets
Partner WOD
10 Synchro Power Cleans
10 DUs
8 Synchro Power Cleans
20 DUs
6 Synchro Power Cleans
30 DUs
4 Synchro Power Cleans
40 DUs
2 Synchro Power Cleans
50 DUs
*Synchro at the top. Dont drop until both athletes have stood weight up
**Each athlete is responsible their double unders. Don’t split
L1: 185/135, DUs Unbroken
L2: 165/115, DUs
L3: 115/85, 1/2 attempts (+) 1/2 Singles
L4: DB Cleans, Singles