WOD for 0301518


WOD for 0301518

2 Rounds of Auxiliary Core:
0:15-sec Handsand Hold
15 Russian Twists (KB or WB of Choice)
0:10-sec L-sit hang from Rig

Push Press
–Take 15-mins progressing through the 3 sets of 7
–These should be light, just get the quality reps in for the the 3 sets

Alternating mins for 20-mins…
Min-1.) 100m Run (+) 5 S2OH
Min-2.) 20 Ab-mat Situps (+) 20 Double Unders
Min-3.) 15 KBS (+) 5 Strict Pull-ups
Min-4.) Rest
–Anytime the clock is catching up to you, stop at 0:55. JUST MOVE

L1: 135/95, Blue/Red (American), DUs
L2: 95/65, Blue/Red (Russian), DUs
L3: 75/55, Red/Orange (Russian), 1/2 Attempts (+) 1/2 Singles
L4: DB S2OH, Orange/Yellow (Russian), Singles