WOD for 031418

Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch Every 1-min for 10-mins
*Don’t exceed 80%
–Work up to a weight that allows you to hit quality reps, NO FAILS

(3 rounds) 90-second AMRepsAP
12 Box Jump Overs
Remaining Time: Power Snatches
Rest 0:30 between rounds

~1-min Rest~
(2 rounds) 90-second AMRepsAP
10 Box Jump Overs
Remaining Time: Power Snatches
Rest 0:30 between rounds

~1-min Rest~
(1 round) 90-second AMRepsAP
8 Box Jump Overs
Remaining Time: Power Snatches

L1: 95/65, 135/95, 155/105, 24″/20″
L2: 75/55, 95/65, 135/95, 24″/20″
L3: 65/44, 75/55, 95/65, 24″/20″ (Step-Overs)
L4: DB Snatches, 20″/17″ (Step-Overs)

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