With a Partner!!
Against (15)-mins…For Time!
30 OHS
200m Double KB FR Carry (Trade 100m)
10 Muscle-ups
200m KB FR Carry (Trade 100m)
30 OHS
L1: 155/105, 70/52, Ring Muscle-Ups
L2: 115/85, 52/35, Ring or Bar Muscle-Ups
L3: 75/55, 35/25, 20 Jumping CTB
L4: Goblet Squats, 25/20, 20 Ring Rows
(Rest 3-mins)
Trading Minutes-For (10)-mins… Get as far as you can
20 Double Unders
15-12-9-6-3 Clean and Jerks
*Before you can get to your C&J ladder, athlete must do a DU Buy-in-when it is your minute/turn
L1: 155/105, Double Unders
L2: 135/95,Double Unders
L3: 95/65, 1/2 Att. (+) 1/2 Singles
L4: DB C&J, Singles
(Rest 3-mins)
Within (6)-mins.. Be the first to Accumulate 100 Push-ups
How it works?
Partner 1: Will go until failure trying to get as many Push-ups as possible
P1: ONCE AT FAILURE-100m Sprint
Partner 2: Will pick up where Partner 1 left off trying to get to 100 (once P1 returns from 100m)
*Continue until team ACCUMULATES 100 Push-ups
*Push-up Rules: Once you stop- run 100m.
*Once your team hits 100-You are done-Look at Time!