WOD for 041718

Power Cleans

Every 30-seconds for 10-minutes..
1 Rep every 0:30 seconds (x) 10 minutes
*5 minutes at 60% and second 5-minutes at 65%

(2:00 Work) 1-min Rest (2:00 Work) 1-min Rest (2:00 Work) 1-min Rest (3:00 Work) Time Cap at 12-mins
Always Start with: 15 Box Jump Overs
Then in remaining time try to complete:
10 Power Cleans @ (x)
8 Power Cleans @ (x)
6 Power Cleans @ (x)
4 Power Cleans @ (x)

*Always buy-in with 15 Box Jump Overs, then in remaining time chip away at reps/weights
**Pick up where you left off trying to complete the 10-8-6-4

L1: 155/105, 185/135, 205/145, 225/155, 24″/20″
L2: 135/95, 155/105, 185/135, 205/145, 24″/20″
L3: 105/75, 115/85, 135/95, 155/105, 24″/20″ (Step-overs)
L4: Heavy KBS instead of Cleans (Double the numbers 20-16-12-8), 20″/17″

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