WOD for 041818

Warm-up/Review each of the stations

Gymnastics Pull: Week 2 of 9…
Every 3-minutes for 15-minutes

3 Strict Ring Pull-ups + 1 Ring Muscle-up + 4 Dips

L1: 4 Strict Ring Pull-ups (+) 2 Ring Muscle-ups (+) 6 Dips
L2: 3 Strict Ring Pull-ups (+) 1 Ring Muscle-up (+) 4 Dips
L3: 5 Low Ring Rows (+) 4 Ring Transitions (+) 3 Dips
L4: 5 Low Ring Rows (+) 2 Ring Transitions (+) 4 Jumping Dips

For Time
15 Front Squats
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder
100 Double unders
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder
15 Front Squats

**Goal= Sub 11-minutes

L1: 185/135, 150/100, 100 DUs
L2: 135/95, 120/80, 75 DUs
L3: 75/55, 80/60, 75 DUs (1/2 Attempts + 1/2 Singles)
L4: DBL DB Squats (Open Style), 20 Slamballs (20/15), 100 Singles

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