Skill: Kipping Pullup
Strength: Upper Push/Pull
3 Rounds:
1:00 AMRAP Inverted Bar Row (Stack feet on boxes if able)
Rest :30
1:00 AMRAP DB Floor Press (AHAP)
Rest 2:00 B/w Rounds
Partner Workout!
15 Min AMRAP:
Partner 1 Completes:
3 Rounds of Cindy
Partner 2 Completes:
3 Rounds
20 Double Unders
7 Push Press
*Partners switch stations when both have finished their 3 rounds
*Score is total number of rounds completed across 15 minutes…
L1: 135/95, C2B
L2: 95/65, Double Unders, Pullups
L3: 75/55, 35 Single Unders, Jumping Pullups, Elevated Pushups
L4: DB PP, Ring Rows, Elevated Pushups