WOD for 062818

Movement Practice: Turkish Get-ups


Core Conditioning:

12-min EMOM

0:30 OH Barbell Hold

0:30 FR Barbell Hold

4 Turkish Get-ups (Right)

4 Turkish Get-ups (Left)



6-Min Rounds

800m Run

Remaining Time: AMRAP Sandbag Over the Shoulder

-Repeat for 3 total rounds-

*Score= Sandbag over the Shoulder or total Slam-balls across all 3 rounds

L1: 800m Run, 120/100

L2: 800m Run, 100/80

L3: 600m Run, 70/50 or 35/25 Slam-balls

L4: 400m Run, 50/35 or 25/15 Slam-balls

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