WOD for 070918

Movement Practice:   Split Jerk/Split Press



10-min EMOM

  • 2 Split Jerks @ 80% (or heavy ish for doubles)

**From the Rig

  • Split Press: 2×8

**Go heavier than you did last time (2×10)


Every 2-mins for 16-mins (Alternate Stations)

Station 1: AMRAP 6 S2OH (+) 8 KBS Russian (+) 10 Sit-ups

Station 2: Max Cal Row

**Pick-up where you left off within the AMRAP/Keep Track of Calories across the rounds

L1: 135/95, 70/50 – Bike

 L2: 95/65, 50/35

L3: 65/45, 35/20

L4: DB S2OH, 20/15