WOD for 071116

Segment 1:
EMOM 10 minutes:
Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + OHS
Use a weight you handle comfortably on all 10 rounds.  Shouldn’t be any missed reps.

Segment 2:
3×10 Back Squats
Use around 50% 1RM.  Already warm, this shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

Segment 3:
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees

Scale to complete this entire workout in under 25 minutes.  Scaling options include:  Lighter load, fewer reps, shorter runs.

Endurance Workout (7:30pm):
Endurance: 1600m, rest 4 mins
1200m, rest 3 mins
800m, rest 2 mins
400m, rest 1 min
For every interval you will alternate running 200m fast and 200m recovery.

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