WOD For 072118

Partner Workout!
Against 12 Mins… Trading every 50 Double Unders

12 S2OH
24 Pull-ups
10 S2OH
20 Pull-ups
8 S2OH
16 Pull-ups
6 S2OH
12 Pull-ups
4 S2OH
8 Pull-ups
2 S2OH
4 Pull-ups

Person 1: Working on Couplet
Person 2: Double Unders

L1: 115/85, CTB, Trading 75 Double Unders
L2: 95/65, Kipping, Trading 50 Double Unders
L3: 75/55, Jumping or assisted Pull-Ups, 1/2 Attempts (+) 1/2 Singles Trading 50 Double Unders  
L4: DB S2OH, Ring Rows, Trading 75 Singles


How to get through the workout: Pick who starts where. Chip away at the Couplet’s reps. 

Switch roles whenever the double under goal is reached

*Once you finish the Couplet, Double-Unders stop— You are done :).
*2 Scores= Time to finish couplet, Total number of DUs

(3-min Rest)

Against (20) Mins…Trade However

2K Row
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
25 Power Snatches

L1: 155/105, 24”/20”
L2: 115/85, 24”/20”
L3: 75/55, 24”/20” (Step-Overs)
L4: DB Snatches, 20”/17” (Step-Overs)

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