WOD for 072919


WOD for 072919

Mobilize Pecs/Shoulders

Lacrosse Smash

Banded Stretch

Strength: Floor Press/Row

4 Sets: Alt. Moves resting 60 secs b /w sets

Barbell Floor Press x6-8 @ 50-60% of 1RM Bench Press

Station 2: 6/Arm DB Bent Over Row (Heavy)

*Pause @ top and bottom of row every rep

Conditioning: 3x (5)min EMOM

EMOTM x 5 Mins

Row Max Cals in :40 secs

Rest/Transition x 1 Min

EMOTM x 5 Mins

8-20 “Push” Reps

Rest/Transition x 1 Min

EMOTM x 5 Mins

10 Ball Slams

*”Push” Choices:


Strict Ring Dips

Bar Dips

Paralette Pushups