Saturday 08/03/19
Teams of 3!
Against 15 Mins…
3 Rounds for Time:
75 Double Unders
50 Hang DB Snatch (5/side)
75 Double Unders
50 Alt. DB Hang Power Cleans (5/side)
100 Cal Row
Comp: 100 Double Unders, 70/50 (alt. each rep)
Fitness: Double Unders, 50/35
GPP: 100 Singles, 35/25
Health: 75 Singles, 25/20, 75 Cal Row
Rest 3 Mins
On a 20 Minute Timer..
Within 10 Minutes..
Burpee Box Jumps
-6 Sandbag to Shoulder b/w sets of Box Jumps
With Remaining Time…
Each team member establishes a 3RM Backsquat (from the rig)
Comp: 30/24, 150/120
Fitness: 24/20, 120/100
GPP: 20/16 (step ups), 80/50
Health: Burpee Plate Jumps, 18 Double Russian Swings/round