WOD for 080619

Technique Focus: Clean Positions

Strength: Halting Clean Grip Deadlifts (3 Stops) (6min)

Mid Shin, Above Knee, Power Position

Every 90 x 5 sets

4 Halting Clean Grip Deadlifts (70-80% of Clean)

*Athletes will not stand up all the way.. return to the floor after hitting power position


KBS/Run/Step Overs (18 Mins)

3×4:00 on/2:00 off (full send)

20 UB Russian KBS

Run 400 M

AMRAP Single KB Box Step Overs (hold anyhow)(except behind the head)

Comp: American Swings, 24/20 

Fitness: Russian Swings, Leg at 90 degrees on top of the box

GPP: Russian swings, 300 M Run, Leg @ 90 degrees

Health: 15 Russian Swings, Bodyweight step ups (alt), Leg 90 degrees)

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