Successory Work:
Every 60-seconds for 12 Rounds (3 Rounds of each station)
1)8 (Per Leg) Single Leg Glute Bridge Raises
2)8 Barbell Goodmornings
3) 8 Strict Pull-ups
4)8 (Total) FR Reverse Lunges
Skill Second: In prep for the METCON
Power Clean Technique
3 Rounds: (4:00 Work/2:00 Rest)
400m Run
50 DUs
Remaining Time: Power Cleans for Load(Weight can be pre-loaded)
*Barbell Weight Must Increase each round..
Score= Sum of your Heaviest Power Cleans across the rounds
2-min REST B/W Rounds
L1: 400m,75 DUs
L2: 400m Run, 50 DUs
L3: 300m Run, 1/2 att. (+) 1/2 Singles
L4: 200m Run, 50 Singles