With a Partner
Against 8 minutes for time:
400 M Run (Together) then,
30 Snatches (Isabel)
Remaining time: Bar over Burpees
**Run together then… (1 person working/1 Person resting) through Isabel and Bar over Burpees
**Score= Bar Over Burpees
L1: 185/135, BFB
L2: 135/95, BOB
L3: 95/65, BOB
L4: 300m Run, DB Snatches, Reg. Burpees
-3 Min Rest-
15-min AMRAP:
72 Double DB G2OH
24 Pull-Ups
72 Push Press
24 Pull-Ups
72 Goblet Squats
24 Pull-Ups
*(1 Person working/1 Person Resting)*
L1: 50/35, CTB, 135/95
L2: 50/35, Pull-ups, 95/65
L3: 35/20, Assisted or Jumping Pull-ups, 65/45
L4: 20/15, Ring Row
-3 Min Rest-
Against 8 minutes for time:
400 M Run (Together) then,
30 Power Clean & Jerks (Grace)
Remaining time: Row, Cal
**Run together then… (1 person working/1 Person resting) through Grace and Rowing
**Score= Cal on the Rower
L1: 185/135
L2: 135/95
L3: 95/65
L4: 300m Run, 20/15