Skill: Ring Dips
Strength: Dips + Side Plank (17 Mins)
4 Sets:
:30 AMRAP Strict Dips (Ring/Bar/Box/P-Lette)
Rest :30
:20/each side Side Plank… add weight if able
Rest 2:00
Conditioning: HSPU + Row Intervals (17 Mins)
EMOTM x 5 Mins:
5-10 HSPU (Kip or Strict)
Rest 1:00
EMOTM x 5 Mins:
Row 12/9 Cals
Rest 1:00
EMOTM x 5 Mins:
1-3 Rope Climbs
Comp: Strict HSPU, 18/15 cals, Legless
Fitness: Kip or Strict HSPU (up to 1 abmat), 12/9 cals, Rope Climbs
GPP: Pike Pushup or Pushups, 12/9, Low Rope to stand climb
Health: Pushups, 10/8 Cals, Ring Row with Pause