WOD For 083119

With a Partner!

Against 10 Mins…

6 rounds (partners trade full rounds)

4 Thrusters

4 Power Snatches 

20 Double Unders

Comp: 155/105, 35 Double Unders

Fitness: 115/80, 20 Double Unders

GPP: 95/65, DU or 35 Singles

Health: DB Thrusters + 8 Alt. DB Snatches, 35 singles unders 

-Rest 3:00-

Against 12 mins… For Time! 

(Split Work However)

50 DB Power Cleans

40 Pullups 

30 DB S2OH

40 Toes 2 Bar (80 Situps)

50 Burpees

*2 Dumbbells for PC and S2OH

Comp: 70/50, Chest 2 Bar, T2B

Fitness: 50/35, Pull-ups, T2B

GPP: 35/25, 20 Pull-ups or 40 Jumping Chest 2 Bar, 80 Situps 

Health: 20/15, Jumping Pullups, 50-60 Situps

Rest 3:00

Within 9 Mins…

Row 2,000/1,500 meters

Remaining time:

AMRAP Sandbag over the Shoulder

Comp: 150/120

Fitness: 120/100

GPP: 100/75, 1,750/1,250 meters

Health: 50/30, 1,500/1,000 meters 

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