WOD for 091518

With a Partner

Against 12-mins… For Time!

*Split Work as needed

40 Burpees over the Bar
20 Power Cleans

30 Burpees over the Bar
15 Power Cleans

20 Burpees Over the Bar
10 Power Cleans

L1: BFB, 185/135, 205/145, 225/155
L2: BOB, 155/105, 185/135, 205/145
L3: BOB, 115/85, 135/95, 145/100
L4: Reg. Burpees, DB Cleans

—Rest/Transition 5:00—

Against 12-mins… For Time!

*Split Work as needed


D-Ball Squats
Box Jump

L1: 12-9-6 Ring Muscle Ups, 30”/24”, 150/100
L2: CTB, 30”/24”, 120/80
L3: Assisted or Non-Assisted Pull-ups, 24”/20” (Step-Ups), 80/60
L4: Jumping Pull-ups, 20”/17” (Step-Ups), 35/20

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