Womxn’s Strength workouts for the week of 02/17/20

Back squat 6 x 3 @ 85%
Sumo Deadlifts 4 x 6-8 moderate (~65ish%)
SS: A) DB Deadlift 4 x 8-10
B)Alternating DB Front Rack lunge, 4 x 12
Glute Ham Raise negative, 4 x 5 as slow AP
Plank KB taps, 3 x 30 (L+R=1)
Bench Press 6 x 3 @85%
Barbell bent-over Row, 3 x 10-12 heavy
SS: A) DB Shoulder Press, 3 x 10-12
B) DB chest fly 3 x10-12
Lat Pull-downs 3 x 20-25
Weighted Situps, 3 x 15
Deadlift 6 x 3 @ 85%
Front Squat 4 x 8-10 moderate (~60ish%)
SS: A) Weighted Step-ups 4 x 8-10/leg (goblet)
B) Russian KB Swing, 4 x 12-16
Cable Tricep Extension, 3 x 15-20
Tabata Hanging Knee raise, 4 minutes, 20 on 10 off