Womxn’s Strength workouts for the week of 03/09/20

1RM Bench Press
SS:A) band pull-aparts 4 x 20
B) banded face pulls 4 x 20
Banded Good mornings, 3 x 20
Optional: 1RM Strict Press, or
Strict Press 5 x 4 @80%
Deadlift 10 x 1 @ 50% (deload)
SS: A) Weighted Step-ups 4 x 8-10/leg (goblet)
B) Russian KB Swing, 4 x 12-16
I’s, T’s, Y’s, W’s 3 x 10
1RM Deadlift
Mobility and Recovery
Supine Hamstring Stretch x 1 minute each leg
Banded Cat-Cow, 3 x 12 breaths