Womxn’s Strength workouts for the week of 12/2/19



Deadlift 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Bench Press 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Dumbbel Chest fly 5 x 8 (Light) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Weighted step-ups 5 x 8 /leg 30 sec. rest
French Press (light) 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Side delt raise 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest


Back Squat 5 x 8 @60%
DB Weighted Lunges 3 x 10/leg, any hold
Super set: 3 x
Banded Good Mornings x 10
Banded face pull x 20
GHR SSPT 4 (sub DB Hamstring Curls)



Front Squat 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Pull-ups 5 x 5 (30×1) 30 sec. rest (banded if needed)
Alt. Reverse Lunge 5 x 8/leg (light-moderate) 30 sec. rest
Banded Leg extension 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Hammer Curls 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Russian Twists 3 x 15 (L+R=1)


Strict Press 5 x 8 @60%
Close Grip Bench Press 4 x 6 @60%
Superset: 3 x 10
DB bicep curls (31×1)
Cable Tricep Push downs (31×1)
Dips SSPT 4
3 x 30 second weighted planks



Deficit Deadlift 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest (3 inch deficit)
Close grip bench press 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Weighted Glute Bridge 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Z-Press 5 x 8 (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Single leg KB deadlift 4 x 8/leg (light) (30×1) 30 sec. rest
Lat pulldown (machine) 3 x 15 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. rest


Deadlift 5 x 8 @60%
Lat pull downs 3 x 10 (31×1)
Super set: 3 x 10
Reverse Hyper (Sub KB Swings)
Belt Squat (Sub Goblet Squat)
Weighted Sit-up 3 x 12