Monday: Strong:Back Squat 5 x 8 (light-moderate) (30×1) 30 sec. restBarbell goodmornings 5 x 8 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. restInverted Rows 5 x 8 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. restDB/KB Snatch 4 x 8/arm (light-moderate) 30 sec. restDB bicep Curls 5 x 8 (light) (30×1) 30 sec. restBarbell situps 3 x 10 Comp:Bench Press 5 x...Read More
MondaySumo Deadlift 5 x 5, building to a heavy setRomanian Deadlifts 4 x 8, 3 second negative tempoDumbbell Reverse fly 3 x 12Single Leg KB Deadlifts 5 x 8 /leg 30 sec. restTricep kIckbacks, 4 x 8/armBanded Face pulls 3 x 20 TuesdayClose-grip Bench Press 5 x 5 Build to a heavy setBent-over Rows, 4...Read More
MondayBack Squat 5 x 10 @55%Push press 5 x 8 @55% 31×1Super set: 3 x 10Barbell Good morningsLunges (10/leg)Super set: 2 x 30Seated RowBanded face pullGHR SSPT 6 TuesdayStrict Press 5 x 10 @55%Pause Deadlift 5 x 5 @55% 2 seconds @kneeSingle arm Rows, 3 x 10/arm 31×1Superset: 3 x 10DB bicep curls (31×1)Cable Tricep...Read More
Backsquat Prep -Hip and ankle mobility -Focus on bracing the core -Aim to do your back squat sets around 50-60% of your 1RM if its there today Strength: Back squat 2×16-18 reps (leave 3 reps in the tank) rest 3:00 b/w sets *Increase or stay the same, but both sets should be challenging 5 Rounds...Read More