Conditioning: Every 3:00 x 9 sets (3 sets at each station)(27 mins) A)200 Foot Sandbag Carry (From the wall ball wall to the front and back twice) B)Row x 500/400m C) 30 UB Russian KBS + 20-30 sit-ups Switch Stations every interval *Choose weights that allow you to complete all 27 mins without feeling completely...Read More
WOD 1: 3 Rounds- 12 min CAP5 Suitcase KB Deadlift R5 KB Front Rack Squats R5 Single arm Kb swings R5 Single arm strict press R50 Plate hops5 Suitcase KB Deadlift L5 KB Front Rack Squats L5 Single arm Kb swings L5 Single arm strict press L**Can push press if need beWOD 2: 3 Rounds-...Read More