
March 2, 2020
WOD 1: 12′ EMOM1. 200/150m Row2. 15 Medball Squat and Toss (20/14)3. 20 Sit-UpsRest 3 min.WOD 2: 12′ EMOM1. 200/150m Row2. 10-15 Burpees3. 20e Bicycles
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Strength: Strict Chinups 12-10-8-8 *Sets are every 2:00 *Scale by adding 1 Band or using inverted barbell rows in the rig (rows have a 22X2 Tempo) Conditioning: Bike Sprints Teams of 3: For Time (20 Min Cap) 4 sets each 20/15 Cals *1 Person works while the others rest/recover *Go hard on each interval… not...
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Congratulations to our January CFD Kool Aid Clubbers!  This month, we celebrate Caroline Dwyer as our Kool-Aid champion with 36 check-ins! Our athletes checked in for 3,610 classes last month! Dwyer, CarolineBrenner, SethPflum, SamanthaBouchal, Samjames, emilyBram, CurtisMangano, DinoHayslip, SarahShurgin, AmandaCoffey, JustinGraves, ErinWeinstein, DaniellaRamirez, LuisAlonso, ErikaTimmons, ZacharyLeypoldt, StevenArmstrong, MicheleLuna, GabrielLanghans, EricGoldberg, JaimeCohen, AlanMead, KirstenChen, EmilyLoitsch, GavinUlak,...
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