
March 10, 2020
Strength + Sweat: 3:00 on/3:00 off x 4 sets (27 mins) 5 Backsquats @ 70-80% (these should be TOUGH) Row 30/24 cals *Every time you don’t hit the calorie goal… take 20/10 lbs off of your bar Score = Weight on the bar at the end of the workout (if you fall short of the...
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WOD 1: 12 min AMRAP16 RKBS12 Single KB Squat Cleans**16 WB Sam Balls24 Lateral KB JumpsWOD 2: 9 min EMOM1) :20 Squat jumps + :20 Plank in and outs2) :20 Push-ups + :20 Plank Stairs3) :20 Hollow Hold + :20 Hollow Lifts
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