
November 10, 2020
Warm up: EMOTM x 6 mins: 1):20 of Plate Jumps + Plank Hold in remaining time 2)10 KB Deadlifts with 3 sec lower 3)Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5 each side Rowing Technique Drills and Explanation of Hinge VS Squat in the KBS Workout: Every 4:00 x 4 sets Row 400-500m/Bike 22-30cals/Run 400m 60 Double Unders...
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Warm up: 3 Rounds: 3 Sumo Inchworms (no Pushup) 10 Air Squats with a pause in the bottom 10/ea DB Strict Press w/ pause at the top  2 Rounds.. First round upper body only, 2nd round add in hips to high pulls 5 ea High Pulls 5 ea DB DL (snatch setup) 5 ea/ SA...
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