Big Jerk Loads

Caleb Ward will be here Saturday! 

There are still some spots left for this day long seminar…and it’s only $100!

Register here

WOD for Wednesday 021512Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk (80% 1RM Jerk)

Post Jerk Loads and Workout Load to Comments
For the strength segment, perform sets of  either Push Jerks or Split Jerks (your choice) taking the bar from the rack or Jerk Boxes.

For the conditioning workout, if you aren’t sure of your 1RM Jerk use 100% of the load from your final set of 3 rep Jerks.     

Caleb Ward is coming Saturday!  Don’t miss the chance to train with this guy!