Only 7 spots still available! More info here
WOD for Thursday 061710 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squat
Determine New 1RM
Warmup: Perform 3 reps @ 40%, 50%, 60% 1RM
Work Sets: Perform 1 Rep @ 75%, 85%, 95%, then 2-3 attempts at a new 1RM
AMRAP in 12 Minutes of:
7 Handstand Pushups
7 Pullups
Post Front Squat Loads and Metcon Time to Comments
For the strength segment, follow the warmup sequence to determine your 1RM Front Squat. Use common sense and good judgement. When in doubt, live to lift again another day. New 1RM’s may only be recorded if the lift is done with full ROM, ie you squat to below parallel and stand to full knee and hip extension.
For the Metcon, scale movements to allow for proper execution and to minimize rest.
ENDURANCE WOD tonight at 6pm!
Run or Row
3 Rounds of 7 min intervals w/3min recovery between rounds.
Hold maximal distance possible on each of the 7 min rounds.
If you regularly come to the Endurance WODs, would you be in favor of moving them to 7pm when it may be a little cooler or leaving them at 6pm. Post answer to comments.
Upcoming FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting June 22nd (Tues/Thurs @7pm) — Only 4 spots left!
Starting July 13th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Upcoming Events
Gymnastics Seminar — Saturday, June 19th
70’s Big Challenge — Saturday, June 26th